There are many laws and regulations that must be followed by employers. One of the most well-known Regulations fall under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which is the main piece of legislation that must be adhered to. The legislation is enforced by the Health and Safety Executive. After an incident or accident in a workplace the HSE will investigate to try and decide if the accident could have been prevented.
How to Help Prevent Accidents
Not all accidents can be fully prevented, however there are steps you must take to at least try and control the risks. By controlling risks it is possible to dramatically reduce the chances of an incident occurring, and by following legislation you can reduce the chances of being prosecuted should someone become ill or injured at work.
Training is the first step to take. Health and safety training is provided in many learning centres, and through e-learning and distance learning options. There are courses designed for those in senior positions, as well as more basic training for staff on all levels. Everyone within a business must have health and safety training.
As an employer it is essential that you are aware of the laws that you have to follow. Many training courses will give you the knowledge you need to work within the law as well as how to reduce the risks. Topics such as risk assessments, accident reporting, reviewing and monitoring all play a vital role so it is worth looking for a course that will provide you with a wide amount of information.
Find the Right Health and Safety Risk Assessment Course
There are multiple risk assessment courses that will give you the skills you need to keep your employees as safe as possible, and help to reduce the chances of prosecution through the application of skills. You may think that you will need to put aside many months to undertake this training but that's not the case. It is possible to learn in a matter of days through face to face tuition, or spread out over a few months via distance learning.