QA Automation Engineering (E-learning)

Provider located in United States (US)
Start your career in tech!
Earn a tech salary without coding experience
Land a job within a year or get your money back*
Mentorship, Internship and 1:1 Career Coaching

Course Fee

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Course prices vary and are subject to change. Please visit the Careerist web page link on the 'Course Description' tab for up-to-date pricing and to book this course.

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Learn QA Automation Engineering

  • Learn Python, high-demand coding language
  • Land a job within a year or get your money back*
  • Mentorship, Internship and 1:1 Career Coaching

Delivery Method

Online (E-learning)

QA Automation Made Easy

Our training makes QA Automation accessible for anyone with Manual QA foundations. Learn UI testing with Selenium and Behave (Page Object Pattern). Master Automation, learn the popular programming language Python, and become an in-demand QA Engineer.


Build your own algorithms


Practice and get feedback

Essential only

You won’t get overwhelmed

This Program is Designed For:

Complete Beginners

Land your first job in tech with no-coding experience, no tech background or degree. Increase the salary to 87К average for the start.

Tech Acquainted

Change your career by merging your essential background with up-to-day and practical QA bootcamp. Increase the salary and grow to 143К as a senior.

Step-by-step Game Plan

Say Hello

Meet your Career Advisor and start your journey toward a successful career in Quality Assurance. Ask about financing options!

Join Expert-led Classes

Join our immersive classes – start with 5 weeks of Python followed by 7 weeks of QA Automation. Practice and get ongoing support

Start Your Internship

Get real-world experience for your resume and LinkedIn. Practice and gain confidence by completing a project with one of our partner companies

1:1 Career Coaching

Improve your resume and LinkedIn profile and prepare for job interviews

Job Search Support

Accelerate your job search with AI-enhanced job matching to get the most relevant job openings daily

You're Hired!

Our graduates earn an average starting salary of $110-170K per year!

12 Weeks of Learning

Module 1

Python Programming

In this module, you will learn the fundamentals of the Python programming language, which serves as the foundation for QA Automation. You will gain knowledge and hands-on experience with Python syntax, data types, control flow, functions, and file handling. Passing 10 lessons, you will have a solid understanding of Python programming and be ready to apply it in the context of QA Automation.

Module 2

Introduction to QA Automation

This module provides an introduction to QA Automation and sets up the necessary environment for the course using Python, Selenium, and Behave. You will learn about locators, the most common WebDriver commands, and create your first test case. Additionally, you will be introduced to Git, a version control system widely used in software development.

Module 3

Web Testing Fundamentals

In the third module, you will dive into web testing fundamentals. You will learn about CSS selectors, how to create and execute test cases, and the basics of behaviour-driven development using Behave.

Module 4

Advanced Web Testing

This module will expand on web testing fundamentals and delve into advanced web testing topics such as WebDriver waits, expected conditions, window handling, and the page object pattern.

Module 5

Test Automation Best Practices

In the fifth module, you will learn about best practices in test automation. You will explore advanced topics such as handling actions, dropdowns, and frames, performing multi-browser testing, implementing logging, and utilizing tools like BrowserStack and Allure for reporting. This module also covers various operations and manipulations with lists.

Module 6

Mobile Testing Intro & Job Market Preparation

The final module focuses on basic mobile testing and job search preparation. You will learn about mobile automation using Appium for testing Android applications. You will also receive guidance on job search strategies, interview preparation, and important considerations for the job market. The module concludes with a Q&A session to address any remaining questions or concerns.

Land a Job or Get Money Back

Careerist is fully committed to your long-term professional success. We offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you don’t land a job in tech within one year of graduation. Terms and conditions apply. Students utilising a loan option are not eligible.

Refund eligibility requirements include (but are not limited to):

  • Completing all training modules on time
  • Submitting all projects and assignments by their deadlines
  • Following our job search guidelines and instructions

Visit the Careerist Website

Visit the Careerist website for detailed course pricing, more information or to book this course.

Related Content

Every day, Careerist help people change their lives. Their team’s dedication to student success has resulted in unprecedented achievements. Their instructors, mentors, community managers and staff all share a key mission: empowering you to launch and grow your tech career. No matter your background, they are dedicated to guiding your journey from the very beginning to even after you land your dream job.

For accredited courses a certificate will be sent directly to you from the appropriate awarding body.

For short courses a completion certificate is available at the end of the course.

All you need to complete online courses is a computer, tablet or smartphone and an internet connection.

Connection quality is the responsibility of the delegate. If you need to download free video conferencing software please visit our video conferencing software page where you can download the software specified by the training provider.

E-learning and Online (Instructor-led) training is more flexible, efficient, and cost-effective.

Short online courses also help employers to demonstrate that they have fulfilled their legal duties to ensure their personnel have been adequately trained.

Once the courses have been completed, a confirmation of results can be saved or printed as evidence. This can then be kept on record as evidence of suitable training.

After you purchase this course you will be contacted by Careerist.

Envico Limited is an independent intermediary working with Careerist in an affiliate program. Envico is not accredited by or associated with Careerist or any other examination body or institution in any way. All courses promoted on this website are delivered by independent and established accredited or approved training providers.

What would you like to learn?

Flexible and tailored learning pathways for both students and businesses. Whether you prefer the convenience of e-learning, the interactive engagement of online (instructor-led) training, the structured approach of classroom training, or the practical skills validation of NVQ qualifications, we have something for everyone.

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